Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to Ipsen via email at or phone on 01753 627777.
A link to the prescribing information can be found in the header.
Dysport® (Clostridium botulinum type A toxin-haemagglutinin complex) is indicated for symptomatic treatment of focal spasticity of:
- Dynamic equinus foot deformity in ambulant paediatric cerebral palsy patients, two years of age or older
- Upper limbs in paediatric cerebral palsy patients, two years of age or older.
Please click here to see the full therapeutic indications.

CLIMB Online
Paediatric Spasticity

Dysport® Injection Handbook
A reference guide to the adminstration of Dysport for the treatment of paediatric spasticity, including the identification of muscles using ultrasound, and the recommended injection technique per muscle.

Dysport® Dose Map for Paediatric Spasticity
A reference guide to the dosing of Dysport® for the treatment of paediatric spasticity.

Overview of Paediatric Spasticity – eLearning Module
20 minutes
An overview of spasticity in children, including the classification of cerebral palsy and its consequences.

Dysport® Clinical Trial Data – eLearning Module
45 minutes
An overview of the phase 3 clinical studies of Dysport® in children with upper and lower limb spasticity